Renovation of Chips Unit Drain Treatment Factory for Egypt Foods Integrated Industrial Complex

Project name: Renovation of Chips Unit Drain Treatment Factory for Egypt Foods Integrated Industrial Complex Project Description Chips Factory needs modified unit to remove the impurities found in the ratified drained water in order to make the water with the required specifications attached from the Ministry of Environment. Scope of

Renovation of Chips Factory Waste Material Area for Egypt Foods Integrated Industrial Complex

Project name: Renovation of Chips Factory Waste Material Area for Egypt Foods Integrated Industrial Complex Project Description Selecting suitable area in front of exit area inside Chips Factory to construct suitable cover of ventilation to prevent formation of insects and bacteria in order to separate this area from the manufacturing

Universal Feeding Industry Factory

Project name: Universal Feeding Industry Factory Project Description The project is composed of two tasks. First, demolish and re-design of the existing administration building which includes 3 floors amusing an area of 924 sq m. Second, New Factory with production line entertaining area of 5,646 sq m that will be

Universal Factory Oil Service Station

Project name: Universal Factory Oil Service Station Project Description Universal Factory Oil Service Station entertains built up area of 6,000 sq m including gas station, administrative building comprising employee offices, café, call center, storage, painting workshops, washing trucks, maintenance workshops for washers and heaters. Scope of Services Construction Supervision for

Storage Building

Project name: Storage Building Project Description The Storage Building is comprised of basement entertaining area of 3,200 sq m as well as ground, first, second, third and fourth floors with area 2,900 sq m each. Scope of Services Preliminary and Detailed Design as well as Construction Supervision for all engineering

Chiller Plant Building

Project name: Chiller Plant Building Project Description Entertaining built-up area of 3,000 sq m. The Chiller Plant building includes: ground floor and roof floor. The Ground floor comprises 6 chillers while the cooling towers are located in the roof floor. Scope of Services Preliminary and Detailed Design as well as

Kalboh Dam

Project name: Kalboh Dam Project Description The project consists of construction of a ground water recharge dam which is designed to optimize the recharge of the aquifer which is the main water source of the FalajGhantaq and also construction of the access road and protection of the wells of the

STB – Secondary Technical Building Railway Project

Project name: STB – Secondary Technical Building Railway Project Project Description The project is composed of twenty (20) buildings. Type A: Ten Main Buildings and Type B: Ten Secondary Buildings will be allocated along the Cairo/Alex railway route in the following locations:  Quesna, Berket El Sabe, Tanta, Kafr El Zayat,

MTB – Main Technical Building Railway Project

Project name: MTB – Main Technical Building Railway Project Project Description The project is composed of twenty (20) buildings. Type A: Ten Main Buildings and Type B: Ten Secondary Buildings will be allocated along the Cairo/Alex railway route in the following locations:  Quesna, Berket El Sabe, Tanta, Kafr El Zayat,

CTC – Central Technical Control Building Railway Project

Project name: CTC – Central Technical Control Building Railway Project Project Description The Central Technical Control Building will be allocated at the commercial stations and will accommodate high voltage equipments, diesel generators, fuel deposits, signaling and telecommunication and switched voltage distribution equipment (3x3.6 kVac) both to Secondary Technical Buildings and